25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out!

21. Impalement

Given his name, it should come as no surprise that this was the most favored method of execution by Vlad the Impaler. In 15th century Romania; the victim was forced to sit on a sharp and thick pole. When the pole was then raised upright, the victim was left to slide down the pole with their own weight. It could take the victim 3 days to die using this method and it has been said that Vlad once did this to 20,000 people all while enjoying a meal.

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25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out! 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out! Reviewed by ifeanyi on 10:48 Rating: 5

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