25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out!

25. The Rack

Designed to dislocate every joint of the victim’s body, it was believed to be the most painful form of medieval torture. This torture device was made out of a wooden frame with two ropes fixed to the bottom and the other two tied into the handle on top. Once the victim was bound and placed on top of the rack, the torturer would proceed to turn the handle. Eventually, the victim would be stretched till his limbs were dislocated. The torturers, however, (just to make sure those limbs were indeed dislocated) would continue to turn the wheel until the limbs were completely torn off the victim’s body.

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25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out! 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Used Throughout History - #24 Will Freak You Out! Reviewed by ifeanyi on 11:01 Rating: 5

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